SPE-185054-MS Multiscale Imaging of Gas Adsorption in Shales Hamza Aljamaan, Cynthia M. Ross, and Anthony R. Kovscek, Stanford University 某外企专家五星推荐。 用4块不同区块的岩心(直径1英寸)分析储气能力,分析尺度包括厘米至纳米级别。使[......]
碎屑石英和自生石英对页岩脆性的贡献差异(AAPG 2017 Feb)
The impact of rock composition on geomechanical properties of a shale formation: Middle and Upper Devonian Horn River Group shale, Northeast British Columbia, Canada Tian Dong, Nicholas B. Harris[......]
Predicting Pyrite-SPE 161097 阅读笔记
--- title: "Predicting Pyrite-SPE 161097 阅读笔记" --- SPE 1610097 Predicting Pyrite and Total Organic Carbon from Well Logs for Enhancing Shale Reservoir Interpretation * Authors James M.[......]